Search Tips to Find a Property on iKan
Having trouble locating your property on iKan? Try using some of the search tips below! You can locate a property tax account by searching with any of the following criteria:
Parcel ID / Doc #
- Enter the Parcel ID or Doc # exactly as it appears on your bill
- Real estate accounts are issued a 16 digit Parcel ID
- Personal property accounts are issued a 5 digit Doc #
- If you don't know your Parcel ID or Doc # contact your local county treasurer's office for further assistance
Statement Number
- Enter the Statement Number exactly as it appears on your bill
- The Statement Number is typically 6-8 digits long
Property Address
- For directional streets, leave the direction (North, South, East, West, etc) out of the street name
- Do not include words or abbreviations like Drive, Court, Pl, Ave, Street, etc.
- Try dialing back the search to include only the first few characters or first word of the street name
Owner ID # / Taxpayer ID #
- Enter the Owner ID # or Taxpayer ID # exactly as it appears on your bill
- ID numbers appear in a "ABCD12345" format
Once your property is located, you can view your tax bill details and complete your payment. For information on how to pay a property tax bill, see Pay a Property Tax Bill on iKan.